Tag Archives: arrl

2020 ARRL Sweepstakes Follow-up

Just got this in the mail today. Many thanks to the ARRL and ICOM for sponsoring this plaque!

ARRL 2020 Sweepstakes Results

Back in November I reported having run in the 2020 ARRL Sweepstakes SSB contest. I entered in the new Single Operator Unlimited QRP division. I had what I felt was a successful operation on QRP making over 50 contacts over 8 hours. The results were published in the June QST and it turns out I was one of the winners in the division!

Turns out only two entries in this new division were made and I was second. Anyway I qualify for a plaque from the ARRL! Likely the first and last time this happens.

Running QRP on the 2020 ARRL International DX SSB Contest

Late last week I tested my antenna mount components on a single elevated radial 20m vertical. Saturday morning I added a parasitic element 13 feet away to form a vertical beam fixed at 51°. The ARRL International  DX Phone contest was going on so I decided to participate as a single operator QRP station. Cranked the power on the IC-7300 to 5W and started having some fun. I worked a bit on Saturday afternoon, briefly on Saturday evening & morning then again on Sunday afternoon. I ended up with 36 contacts in 21 countries. Here is a breakdown of the QSO’s by band and by Continent:

Contacts on 40m, 15m & 10m were made with the S9V31 vertical and the 20m contacts with the 20m beam.

15m was my best band with relatively easy contacts mainly in the Caribbean and Central America.  Brief band opening on 10m yielded a couple of QSO’s. 40m was best for distance with EU and JA contacts in the evening and early morning. 20m remains a difficult band for me. All my contacts on 20m were into mainly into the Caribbean. Bigger pile-ups make this band a challenge on QRP.

The 2 element vertical beam gives about 3dBi gain over the vertical alone. Likely just not enough to make a difference. I would have likely had better results with the Inverted-V at 30 1/2 wavelength height.

Once again, lots of fun making contacts on 5W. It is still thrilling to make an 8000 mile QSO on QRP. Thinking I need to work on upping my game on QRP as this is a fun contest niche.

DX Century Club

I recieved my DX Century Club Certificate from the ARRL today!

My First ARRL Award

I have been working on getting my awards through the ARRL only using LoTW. This turns out to be a bit of a challenge in itself. I previously received the 50 states award from QRZ but the ARRL WAS has been elusive. I was just missing one state, Vermont. I worked a station in Vermont during the ARRL North American QSO party and he just confirmed our QSO on LoTW. I’ll be applying for my first WAS award from ARRL today!

ARRL “The Doctor is In” Podcasts

Highly recommend checking out the ARRL “The Doctor is In” podcasts covering various technical questions and issues by Steve Ford and Joel Hallas. These come in about 20 minute each but are very well done and very informative. Joe Bob says “check it out”.