Propagation Prediction for CQ WW WPX Contest

I have run some VOACAP maps for the date of the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest based on 5W, SSB with dipole antennas for 15m & 10m and 1/4 wave verticals on 10m and 40m. The following are the plots for 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m propagation from my QTH at EL15:

40m contest

40m Lights up nicely during the night time hours even with 5W. Europe, South America, Africa and the Pacific rim look pretty decent. Noise floor may be a problem.

20m Contest

20m will be a challenge. Europe will be weak. Central & South America will be best with some possibility into Oceania.

15m contest

15m has potential for openings into South America, Central Africa and Oceania. Need to look for openings between 1700 and 0200 Zulu.

10m contest

10m may have brief openings into South America and possibly Oceania.

I am thinking that I can work some contacts on 10m if there are openings as traffic there will be very light. Same for 15m. Should be much easier to make contacts. 20m will be a huge challenge as the bulk of activity will be on this band and conditions are not predicted to be good into Europe. Will likely have to try for central & south America as well as the Caribbean.

40m will be interesting. It will be very busy at night but if the noise floor is low I may get through.

Still on track to try this with the fan dipole at 30ft in an inverted V.


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