Tag Archives: ARISS

Images from ARISS SSTV Event

Just listened to the last pass from the ISS SSTV event. I suspect that this was ended a bit early as the signal dropped off completely mid-pass. Here are the images I received since the last post:

These were received using my VHF/UHF base station using the Ed Fong Antenna and the IC-7100 along with MMSSTV software.

ARISS SSTV Images from the International Space Station

SSTV images are being transmitted from the ISS through December 31st at 17:05 UTC. There are a few YouTube videos available showing the process even as live streaming events. Before bed last night, I fired up the IC-7100 along with MMSSTV Software on 145.80 MHz and left it running. This morning and after several ISS passes I had the following images waiting for me:

I’ll keep running these today and hope for a decent pass. Next one is in 45 minutes but is very low angle to the QTH.