2022 CQ WW DX Contest – Last Minute Save!

My last post detailed my three-band fan dipole fail in association with the CQ WW DX contest last weekend. I didn’t attempt a start until late Saturday morning, and I was just not being heard operating on QRP with this antenna. Time was passing on and I nearly gave up on operating during the contest. It was nearly 1pm when I finally decided to try and get the 15m Moxon on the air. Weather was beautiful but there was a bit of a breeze which was a concern based on previous experiences. The only thing I needed to do was remove some mast sections from the Spider Pole and make sure the Aluminum angle support was firmly inserted. It took about an hour to get the antenna deployed at about 23 ft height and pointed towards the EU.

I came inside the shack and did a quick SWR check before I turned the power down to 5W. My first call was answering a station in Italy that responded on the first try! This was followed by QSO’s in Slovenia, Martinique, Russia…well you get the point. The Moxon made all the difference and made the contest a lot of fun to work. Within half an hour I had already reached half the QSO’s I made on this contest last year using a half-square. I operated on Saturday mainly on 15m until I had about 33 QSO’s. I woke up early on Sunday and made a few QSO’s on 40m to Asia then switched between 15m, 10m and 20m for the rest of the morning. I finished up early on Sunday afternoon but here is my coverage map of QSO’s:

Here are my contacts by Band and by Continent:

Here are my previous results running QRP, Single operator assisted (2022 scores need to be confirmed):

YearScoreQSO’sZonesCountriesAntennaNA RankWorld RankEntries
20201767241318S9V31 Vertical63543
20211184211418Half Square + vertical52832
20228,57657214315m Moxon + vertical21723

I expect that the ranking will be better this year than last but I do expect more competition this year due to improved band conditions so time will tell the final results.

Salvaged a great weekend of QRP DX working the contest and once again confirmed that antenna choice is everything and should be tailored to your mode of operation.

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