Moxon 2.1 Test Results

Very good performance on 15m with Moxon 2.1. First up made the WSPR Challenge board after only 12 hours of operation. Came in at #41 with 67 unique spots or the top half of the spots. As of this morning and with 24 hours of WSPR operation I have 92 unique spots which would put the antenna in the top 20 WSPR Challenge spots. Significantly many of the spots are pointed right into Europe this morning which is exactly what I wanted to see. Here are the recieve spiots:

Here are the 20% transmit spots at 1W:

I will play around with this antenna a bit more today but will need to bring it down later this afternoon as winds will be picking up. I also want to check how well the mechanical components have stood up over night.

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