Moxon Testing Poised to Continue

I have been on weather hold on the Moxon testing due at first to breezy conditions then a frontal passage over the weekend. Looks like tomorrow will be great antenna weather here in South Texas so I plan to setup the Moxon 2.1 on 15m for testing. I’ll be using the original fiberglass fishing poles as spreaders this time to see if this eliminates the tuning issues I had last time with the carbon fiber poles (thinking about how to objectively test this but am coming up with very few ideas…).

Here are the 3D printed components for the antenna:

I printed some mast clamps for each of the sections which I will try our for the first time. The pole adapters were reprinted in PETG for strength and heat resistance. The hub and wire clamps are reused from last attempt.

I setup the EFHW on a fishing pole in the same location and am collecting WSPR data which I can then use as a comparison once I get this setup. I may reseat the aluminum channel I use for a mounting point as the ground is somewhat soft after the rains and is leaning a bit off of vertical.

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